Color Me Rad 5k
/About 2 months ago, my wife & daughter signed up for the Color Me Rad 5k. We arranged a sitter for our littlest and the plan was for me to go and try to grab some fun shots, not just of Dina and Jena but the event at large.
I had a very good time. They had a GREAT time, as did most of the runners. In fact, I think this may be one of those moments as a photographer where the only regret is being an observer on the sideline of the action instead of being IN IT.
I intended to take the little Sony NEX to spare my Nikon body the abuse put out by exploding bags of dyed corn starch. At the last moment, I grew a pair and took the full frame instead. Although she needs a cleaning before next month's trip to the bahamas, I'm glad I committed to the full event and not by half-assing it with the smaller camera. Many of my favorite shots wouldn't have come out without the zoom and crop potential of my full frame camera body.
I have to give major kudos to the event organizers ( for having their stuff together. It was clear this wasn't their first rainbow-colored rodeo.
EDIT: It didn't occur to me until I proofed this, that I've used the word "bomb" several times in reference to a running event. I wanted to mention that these guys did a moment of silence for the Boston Marathon tragedy and raised donations (matching dollar for dollar) for Boston Marathon Victims. A straight-up bunch of folks that seemed very respectful of the timing of this event..
They tiered out the starts to keep the spacing comfortable for the runners and they kept the starting line entertaining between starts.
Here, the designated professional Color Bomber uses some sort of fire-extinguisher inspired device for optimal color bombedness..
"Ryan" aka Gumby, started off each group of runners with the level of enthusiasm that can only be provided by a green clay humanoid.
As with any event such as this, folks showed up with varied levels of preparedness. From moms and dads running with children on their shoulders to masked, bald sweat-band yielding anonymous runner man, pictured here.
It was easy to get caught up in the excitement, "no I will not hug you while you are covered in Orange Shit, dude." Nice hair.
Bags of "Color Bombs" were sold, available for pickup along the router and often showered upon participants from the M.C. who, among other things, "Reward Beards with COLOR!" Costumes, hats & general enthusiasm would also get your pelted with bags of color.
Here, my little Jena thought she would save her color for later. That didn't last. it was tossed in one of the color toss mosh pits pictured later.
WOO!!!! ... I'm not sure why but WOOO!!!!!! or is it (WU!!!!!)? is this universal thing that young people exclaim while excited and in groups. Is it a Noun? I'm not sure. I really should have paid more attention in English. .. Apparently, Bald Guy with big Camera is WOO!!- Worthy. That or somene hot and interesting was doing something behind me.
Some kids are just too cute to spray down with color:
"Dude Seriously, If you Spray me with that Crap I'm going to Take you OUT with a cuteness HADOUKON!"
RUN! (Or the masked lady in the rainbow tutu will GET YOU!
My little Jena again, this time trying to decide whether or not to brave the yellow liquid sprayers..
My favorite moments from the run were these mosh pits around the stage. On stage is this total morning-ride DJ type "dude" that coordinates events and terrorizes volunteers. Every 15 minutes or so they would do a color toss like so.
See that little yellow packed, not expanded around the middle of the screen? That's Jena's doing. She apparently didn't get the whole "you need to open it first" part of this. So, to whomever around her got pelted by a full bag... Sorry?
Finally, some words of wisdom. When someone, sounding like a DJ Dude, on a date 4/20 asks for volunteers..
Consider that the result is probably going to suck a little bit.