Dreams Take Flight

Dreams take flight

Ah, to be a child again.    

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I think the answer to that question says alot about a social unit.

An Astronaut, a Firefighter, Police Officer or Doctor?

Some kids may say "President of the United States" but I'm willing to bet no children will say "A politician."

How many children, for that matter, say that they wish to be a Democrat or Republican when they grow up?

It is a shame, really.. that we adults get so wrapped into the everyone-looses, no-compromise partisanship currently in play.  I would encourage my children otherwise.  Paraphrasing Einstein, Arts & Sciences are more important to me, because politics is for the present, but arts and sciences are something for eternity.

Me?  I wanted to be an inventor.   Maybe it could still happen. :)