Amber Waves of Pain

Amber Waves of Pain

 I can't stand commuting.

Awhile back a friend of mine that works for Coke transferred over to Mobile.   
In just two weeks, he found that certain aggressive driving techniques could shave as much as 20 minutes from his commute.   

The Pavlovian conditioning worked and now those particular "stay in this lane and cut over the last minute" behaviors have stuck.

I worked in Pensacola for about 3 1/2 years and in Mobile for about 4 years and I was subject to the same conditioning.   I would scare the crap out of my wife on weekend drives b/c I carried over my work-week aggressive driving to dates/outings, etc.

To this day, even though I am CONSIDERABLY mellower behind the wheel, she drives 90% of the time for our family outings, because of those memories of me casually weaving in and out, following to closely and treating speed limits as the square root of my actual speed.

These days, my commute is more of one from the shower to the coffee pot.  Just when I wonder if that aggressive driving streak is still there, a trip to Orlando/Seattle/Atlanta usually awaken the stupid driving Hulk.

Hulk, SMASH! - Ah, oh.  :)

Here's hoping your friday commute is smash-free.