Shoot the Moon
/I went out this evening to shoot the October Moon through the telescope with an iPhone 5.
It was a mild form of disaster.
I back out a eyepiece thumbscrew out too far and drop it in the grass. After fumbling around in the dark with a flashlight for twenty minutes, I declared martial screw-it-ness and went on with the project.
As I pointed the telescope the Azimuth lock-down nut on the telescope broke off at the base. (sigh)
With my Sony NEX cameras, I'd always shoot in quadrants and then stitch the imgaes together as a composite in Photoshop. I did manage to shoot about 9 shots of the various quadrants before I put the telescope up.
Now, as I sit trying to stitch the images together the natural light fall-off totally 0wns photoshop's stacking algorithm.
On a brighter note, I thought the natural light falloff looks kinda cool, so I thought I'd share, anyway..